Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, giving us a like on Facebook, and joining us on Discord.If I'm right, IsRetailGame check is used only in XComGame.upk, class XComTacticalController, function ToggleDebugCamera() in XCOM Enemy Within.

For more help with complex strategy games, also check out our favorite Imperator: Rome console commands. XCOM 2 is now available on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. You can also use XCOM 2 console commands and cheats to unlock individual technologies:

MakeSoldierAClass PsiOperative - Turns soldier into Psi Operative.MakeSoldierAClass Grenadier - Turns soldier into Grenadier.SetStrategyFacilitiesInstantBuild - Allows instantly building facilities.SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll - Unlocks all facilities for building.TTC - Teleports selected unit to cursor.GiveActionPoints - Grants set number of action points to a unit.ForceCritHits - Guarantees critical hits.

ToggleUnlimitedActions - Grants unlimited AP.TakeNoDamage - All units no longer take damage.PowerUp - Enables godmode, removes reloading requirement.Here are the console commands and cheats that caught our eye: Open the console in-game with a tilde (~). If you're using the Gog.com version of XCOM 2, right-click on the game's shortcut and add -allowconsole next to the existing text in the "Target" dialogue box. You should now be able to bring up the console in-game by pressing the tilde (~) key. In the freshly opened box, add -allowconsole. XCOM 2's console commands and cheats let you alter the game in a number of different ways, ranging from those that grant infinite turns or invulnerability to others that provide a smaller power boost in the form of resources.īefore you can use console commands and cheats, you need to right-click on your XCOM 2 entry in the Steam library, then select properties and Set Launch Options from the general tab.