Fallout new vegas poison
Fallout new vegas poison

fallout new vegas poison

  • Added option to toggle off complete poison immunity from the Heartless perk in OWB.
  • Lower Poison Resist bonus from Endurance.
  • Spore poison from Spore Plants, Carriers and Green Geckos can finally work.
  • Altered poisons' effects so you shouldn't get notifications about them with the right antidote active.
  • Did away with changes to the stinger sound since nothing seems to work at attenuating it, now only plays for a poisoned player.
  • Vomit animation now defined as a new entry instead of reusing the vanilla game's, shorter vomit anim patch no longer needs to alter the script.
  • The Poisoned state nows disallows fast traveling, and the player will be woken up to vomit if necessary.
  • fallout new vegas poison

  • Vomiting from poison is now controlled from a token, should help avoid getting stuck in it.
  • Fixes and changes in pretty much everything, things should work better now.

  • Fallout new vegas poison